EnergyBroker Blog

Energy is now a luxury item.

Written by Susanne Sweetman | 02-Mar-2022 13:26:23

Although supply remains flowing, there will be pressure on gas prices for Irish businesses and households due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Gas will continue to flow but prices will reach record highs. Europe relies on Russia for around 40% of its natural gas.

"We have seen businesses coming to us over the last few weeks with questions about increasing gas bills" says our director Phil McCabe. "While we are doing what we can to find the best prices available on the market our advise now is for businesses to limit the amount of energy they use"

Look into energy efficiency and using your energy sparingly. Gas is now a luxury item which comes with a hefty price tag for businesses who rely on it. Start today and make changes in your business that will limit the amount of electricity and gas you use. 

Your business could save 10% on energy bills by implementing no-cost and low-cost energy efficiency measures. The tips and resources below will help you get started.

Getting started:

Meter Readings

Before you start you need to find out how much energy you use. We suggest taking a meter reading at the same time every week. When you start to implement changes you can check meter readings and see if your usage has gone down



Workplaces are usually overheated or overcooled. For every 1ÂșC that a workplace is overheated, 8% is added to heating costs. Make sure temperature controls are set for the right time and temperature, and your staff know how to use them. 

Closing curtains and blinds at night can keep heat in or out. Encourage staff to report drafts or broken windows so they can be fixed.

Investment in draft-proofing, insulation or double-glazing can improve energy efficiency.


Switch to LED Lights

LED bulbs are generally more expensive to buy than conventional bulbs but your investment is rapidly returned by the major savings because of the minimal power consumption by the LED in comparison. It is a win win situation less electricity costs and longer life.


Light sensors

Unnecessary lighting can be a major cause of energy waste. If the lights are on throughout your business around the clock, you are liable to pay high energy bills, regardless of whether your building is regularly filled to capacity. To avoid wasteful lighting, install daylight and occupancy sensors throughout the building. This way, certain lights in little-used parts of the building can be turned off during most hours of the day.

Get employees invested

Saving energy shouldn't just be the responsibility of business owners. Employees can be informed on how to save energy. By having regular meetings with your staff, you can create an energy efficient work culture at your business. 


Implementing change can seem difficult to begin with and we would never advise our clients to try change everything at once. We understand you are busy and already feeling the pressures of running a business in today's climate.

The key is to start with a small change, integrate it, let it become the norm and then look at the next change you can make. Many of the solutions we've mentioned above will not cost money but will bring down your energy consumption, which as we say is what all businesses should be focusing on right now.

If you would like to discuss any of the ideas mentioned in this blog, contact us today for a free consultation.