The key to saving money here is understanding your MIC (Maximum Import Capacity).
Maximum Import Capacity is the amount of space reserved on the network for any given meter. It is measured in KvA (Kilovolt Amps). Each meter is set at a different level, as set by the commissioning electrician. Your PSO Levy is calculated by the level at which your MIC is set. Too low, you pay more PSO. Too high, you incur excess penalties. If it helps, think of it as a belt, tightened by someone else. Too tight: it’s uncomfortable. Not tight enough: you lose your pants. You should be confident that your MIC is sized for an optimum level of PSO payment.
The PSO Levy is especially important at present, because the government have announced a significant increase in PSO beginning in October. The increase is estimated to be about 20%. Failure to review your Maximum Import Capacity will lead to higher energy costs. EnergyBroker’s MIC Sizing Guide can help you with this...